Moses Reddy


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    • Moses Reddy
      The many alternative ways that are available to treat and relieve medical diseases and conditions are on the rise due to the increase of medical information. Most people are unaware that the chiropractic field of medicine has been in existence for...
      • Moses Reddy
        faceofmyfather.orgWere you aware that chiropractic medicine started about a thousand years ago? It's true, in ancient Greece and China doctors, including Hippocrates who is considered the father of modern medicine, recognized that the health of the...
        • Moses Reddy
          Moses Reddy published a blog post What at Chiropractor Can Do to Help
          faceofmyfather.orgThere are plenty of maladies that can be cured by a chiropractor with the proper schooling and experience. Chiropractic therapy was invented in China and Greece back in 2700-1500 B.C. Hippocrates in ancient Greece thought that many...
          • Moses Reddy
            Moses Reddy joined the site