Norris Watson


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    • Norris Watson
      It is an indisputable fact that a man's potency is directly related to his health. There are several indicators that determine the presence of a problem affecting sexual capabilities. These include getting an erection, its stability - its retention,...
      • Norris Watson
        Norris Watson published a blog post Factors that affect sperm quality
        The fertility of men is directly linked to the quality of sperm. This is why why one of the first tests that are appointed for difficulties with conception is the spermogram.The sperm production cycle is long, so many factors make a difference sperm...
        • Norris Watson
          Norris Watson published a blog post Factors that affect sperm quality
          The fertility of men is directly linked to the quality of sperm. This is the reason why among the first tests which are appointed for problems with conception is the spermogram.The sperm production cycle is long, so many factors can affect sperm...
          • Norris Watson
            Norris Watson joined the site