Carney Knudsen


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    • Carney Knudsen

      Sticky Fingers Trash Poker Cards

      Hello Dr. Cue, gimme a dime bag of 9-ball. My mother's words had been really prophetic - my title is Joe, and I will mow lawns for pool. It was all over 'cept the hollerin' - as we utilized to say in east Dayton.Use Vanilla Wafers and colour them...

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      • Carney Knudsen
        Carney Knudsen published a blog post Sticky Fingers Trash Poker Cards
        Hello Dr. Cue, gimme a dime bag of 9-ball. My mother's words had been really prophetic - my title is Joe, and I will mow lawns for pool. It was all over 'cept the hollerin' - as we utilized to say in east Dayton.Use Vanilla Wafers and colour them...
        • Carney Knudsen
          Carney Knudsen joined the site