Hi Liz, thanks for your discussion topic. It's an interesting one and I hope we get people adding their experiences here. The whole point of this site is that it focuses on real people in this terrible pandemic depression.
It's a place where...Read more
I am interested to find out the experiences of real people in different countries. People are hurting right now. But, some may be doing okay. Please share your stories here!
What sectors are booming?
What sectors are depressed?
What sectors...
Hi Liz, thanks for your discussion topic. It's an interesting one and I hope we get people adding their experiences here. The whole point of this site is that it focuses on real people in this terrible pandemic depression.
What is your experience of the jobs market during this global pandemic?
Are there any signs that it is improving? Or, getting worse?
What type of jobs have people obtained during the last few months of pandemic?