the NLS network of complying libraries to citizens of the United States or American citizens living abroad who are not able to use regular print materials since of visual or handicaps. Publications are flowed through the U.S. Registered Also Found Here might download many titles in ebraille or audio from the Braille and Audio Reading Download( BARD) service online or by means of the BARD Mobile app readily available at the App Store External for i, OS or the Play Shop External or Amazon Appstore External for Android. Three-letter codes are offered buying magazines offered on digital cartridge or in press braille. Magazine, 6/issues/year; Publication, 10 issues/year digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) News and brief posts from AARP. bimonthly digital audio( cartridge)
, digital download (BARD) Articles for the general reader about the full spectrum of the history of North America. bimonthly digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) Narratives, novelettes, and includes with science-fiction styles. 10 issues/year digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) Articles on politics and present problems; fiction by contemporary American writers. 5 issues/year digital audio( cartridge), digital download
( BARD) Gratitude, understanding, and conservation of the natural world, particularly birds and their habitats. month-to-month digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) German edition of Reader's Digest. Selections come from German-language magazines along with the American edition of Reader's Digest.( Germany) 10 issues/year digital audio( cartridge), digital download( BARD) Articles on cooking, home entertainment, and travel; recipes from widely known restaurants. bimonthly digital text, ebraille (BARD), big print, press braille Announcements of braille books recently contributed to the collection of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled( NLS) along with news and developments in library services for people who are blind. quarterly press brailleLikewise available in digital text from the Royal National Institute of Blind People( RNIB)( UK)( see Part 2 ). Articles on chess; news of existing trends and competitions. month-to-month press braille Likewise offered in digital text from the Royal National Institute of Blind Individuals (UK )( see Part 2.
). month-to-month press braille Likewise available in digital text from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (UK) (see Part 2). Crossword and logic puzzles, anagrams, sudoku, and general-knowledge tests. bimonthly ebraille( BARD), press braille From America's Test Cooking area. Consists of recipes and tips on cooking.