How Seven Things Will Change The Way You Approach Colombian Coffee

Wet hulled beans tend to have an extra 1% moisture than other coffee methods, so you’ll need to heat the the coffee a little bit more towards the start of the roast. But it can be a little tricky pulling the perfect espresso shot with wet processed beans. Don’t have an espresso machine? The gutsy flavor of Sumatra coffee is brilliantly suited to espresso (like some Chinese coffees). You might not like it on its own, but you will at least get an understanding of what this bean brings to the table. So you will often find blends of these two beans, to balance flavor and caffeine, and you can also find pure Arabica or Robusta. You must know that lemon is a natural cleanser, and it will also work to neutralize odors. We work exclusively with small farmers who have been refining their growing and harvesting methods for generations.

Part of the reason the coffee beans are not dried by coffee farmers is because Sumatra has such a wet climate, which is great for growing coffee trees but poses processing challenges. 1. Farmers remove the skin of the coffee cherry immediately after picking using homemade machines. The islands unique climate create the perfect conditions for Arabica coffee. It’s the climate combined with the wet hulling ‘giling basah’ processing that gives this beans its unique flavour, however. Uniquely processed via wet hulling, these beans are fair trade, shade-grown, and purchased directly from small holdings in Sumatra. Along with being dark roasted to bring out those beautiful, earthy flavors, these are also decorated with a plethora of certifications, including Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certified, Shade Grown, and organic. Being low in acid makes cold-brew kinder to your teeth and stomach, and it’s packed full of antioxidants too. With a body as full as any premium coffees, Sumatra Mandheling is frequently described as syrupy. This Sumatra Mandheling Reserve is very similar to its “non-reserve” cousins, with the notable exception that they are dark rather than medium roasted.

Roasting - Use a dark roast; It adds sweetness to the earthy flavour notes and brings out the natural chocolate flavors of the beans. This coffee has a deep, earthy taste due to its dark roasting process. It carries with it a lighter syrupy taste along with a very gentle finish. Sumatran coffees showcase how several factors influence a coffee ’s taste profile. Some of the world’s finest premium gourmet coffees are grown in Sumatra and called Mandheling, Ankola, and Lintong, these unique coffees are distinguished by their heavy body, earthy flavor profile and low acidity. Despite a subdued acidity the tastes are complex and intense, and a chocolate sweet flavor often holds earthy undertones. The Sumatran beans provide a coffee with low acidity, a smooth chocolate flavor, and plenty of nutty hints. Sumatra is mostly Arabica coffee. To put it all together, there are big points to note in the arabica vs Colombian coffee comparison. Sumatra is an island in Southeast Asia that is ideally suited for growing Arabica coffee.

Before roasting, the green coffee beans of Sumatran coffee are a beautiful deep blue green color with the appearance of jade. When compared to other popular beans (such as Kenyan coffee), yes: sumatran coffee is low in acidity. Cold brew allows flavors to develop but is even lower acidity than a regular cup of Sumatran so it’s ultra-smooth. In general, Sumatra is a region known for producing coffee low in acidity levels. What kind of coffee is Sumatra? No, Sumatra coffee does not have more caffeine than other Arabicas. Robusta beans have more caffeine than Arabica, but most coffees from Sumatra are Arabicas. Do you want caramel like the one provided by the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Colombia Select, or would you rather something more winey like the Don Francisco’s 100% Colombia Supremo Ground Coffee. This isn't a type of coffee that you want to leave sitting in the pot all day if you don't like strong, bitter brews. The small-sized of the holster also means it is better suited for smaller pistols like the Taurus G2C.