Are CNC machines Robotics?


You are aspiring student and wish to know about CNC and robotics , well this book is just for you personally, it lists down the major kinds of movement control and how exactly it works to execute with accuracy and Repeatability. Simply speaking, it tells you what type of CNC robot you must build and run your business with. It informs you ways to avoid costly mistakes and maximize your profits. This book provides you with the needed information in building your own personal CNC machine tending robot.

Automation CNC machines and robotics have already been a topic of discussion considering that the industrial revolution took place. It has provided many employment opportunities for both white collar and blue collar workers. Actually, the CNC machining industry has grown like a huge weed throughout the world. Most of the big companies and even small start-up companies are employing a huge number of robotic engineers and technicians to run the operations for them.

In the past, such machines are used only in manufacturing. But, in present times, they are being found in all sorts of industries. Manufacturing plants, welding sites, finishing facilities, auto manufacturing plants, aerospace plants, chemical plants, medical labs, warehousing units, distribution warehouses, as well as robotics testing labs are making use of CNC machines and robots. However, these machines don't work perfectly without proper operator supervision.

Automation CNC machines are fast replacing human workers in all forms of industries. The reason being robots are much more efficient within their daily tasks. Thus, companies are now able to make more with fewer workers while spending less on labor costs.

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