Examining Webpage Compatibility on Mix Browsers and Platforms

To check different browsers compatibility is a major problem, while creating web page by web developers and designers. They might need having all of the famous browsers with cross platforms within their test machine. To keep get more info in look and feel and hyperlinks and functionality of website, they need to spend a lot of time debugging and then test again and again. This is very frustrating process and tedious work.

Web sites requirements is also reason behind check compatibility. Suppose you have gaming site, it needs plugins, directX and activeX etc. So sites could be e-learning, photo stock, product selling, video and so on. These sites are based on a variety of programming languages and utilities.

Some sites have facilities to test look and feel you web page in different browsers. You just submit your web address or URL. Finally, this service avails screen shots of one's website in selected browsers and platforms. You may also check functionality of your web page script like JavaScript. That is considered a pool of testing machines.

An idea is that we need to develop software that could have all the cross browsers features. The browser might have following features.

1. browserstack linux can select a set of cross browsers and platforms from check boxes.

2. Selected browsers could be appeared in various tabs of software window.

This type of software can help save lots of time and effort of developers as well as money. I think this sort of software will surely have a huge market.