Five Tips For Choosing A Resume Writing Service

A rapidly-shrinking economy and soaring unemployment rates have made job search a real challenge for most job seekers. The number of candidates competing for a single opening has increased dramatically and several are now resorting to professional resume writing services in order to get an edge over the competition. A resume, after all, gets scanned in under ten seconds and most hiring managers wouldn't normally even give a poorly-written resume a second glance, let alone another chance.

It really is no wonder, serious job hunters hire professional resume writing services to give their resumes the much-needed punch. Unfortunately, the process of selecting a service is not that simple. resume writer portland seek out the keyword resume writing service, for instance, generates over 2,820,000 results as of writing this article and the number continues to grow exponentially each day.

Writing an excellent resume needs more than just good writing skills. Do not get me wrong. Good writing skills are certainly very important, but writing a good resume needs a lot more than that. A well-written resume should present and position the candidate as the perfect solution for the employer's needs and must use the right combination of industry-recognized keywords.

Here are some key criteria you should look for in an excellent resume writing service:

1. Certifications. The career services industry has matured significantly over the past decade or so and many professional associations now serve and support the. Some prominent associations include names, such as Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC), The National Resume Writers Association, and others. Each association has its own version of a certification program to test and qualify professional resume writers based on established and tested criteria. A certification isn't a warranty that you'll work with the very best or obtain high quality customer service, but it reaches least a good starting place to weed out the professionals from the rest.

2. Search for independent reviews. Testimonials and endorsements from past clients are essential indicators of the quality of a service. Review the site for testimonials, but you shouldn't be fooled by deceptively-portrayed testimonials offering nothing more than just the customer's initials. Use common sense in judging authenticity.

3. Can you speak with your resume writer? If you opt to work with extremely large resume writing companies, you may never get to speak with your writer directly and you may often have no control over whom you work with. The ability to consult with your resume writer one-on-one is an important benefit that merits due consideration.