My Favorite TV Shows About Watching Foreign TV Series


It can be so exciting to view foreign TV series. They are so colorful and so different than our own. Some of those series that I have enjoyed probably the most are, Friends, Glee, Deadwood, The Mentalist, Hawaii Five-0, The X-Files among many others. When I watch foreign TV series I imagine how lucky I'm to be a fan of the awesome shows. I want to watch foreign TV series because of the awesome animation, the fantastic story lines, the unique animation style and obviously the music and songs that accompany these series.

Friends is one of my all time favorite TV series. Friends is a small grouping of five teenagers who like to view movies, watch television and eat pizza together. They are now living in a beautiful apartment with an ideal view of the city. They watch Friends constantly and enjoy trying to make each other laugh and have fun.

Another great series that I've enjoyed is Glee. Glee is a show about a senior school girl named Glee Ball who goes to the prom and eventually ends up getting dumped by her best friend. Following this she decides to attend college in New York City searching for love again. Glee is quite sad when she learns she does not need a good voice like her favorite singer. She really wants to be an actress but can't stand singing and ultimately ends up watching Friends instead.

Friends can also be my favorite series about a woman and her friend who watch TV all day long. They meet each day for breakfast and watch Friends together. They discuss all day what their day was and watch other shows as well. They even discuss their problems and how they believe they'll fix them. They have become really proficient at what they watch and discuss it when they've time.

My personal favorite show on many of these lists is Housefull. This is a show about four friends who watch Friends and talk about everything that happens. They speak about their day and do plan out what they are likely to watch through the remaining day.

Many of these shows make me want to watch foreign TV series. It is nice to have a little something different every week. I watch shows like Friends, Glee and Housefull whenever I will get it on DVD or I watch it on the Spanish TV channel online. I love having many of these shows around.

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