Alexander Weber Axlek Influencer rise to stardom

Although he started his career behind the camera, his passion to stay front of the camera made him opt to become a professional model.

At 25, he is extremely dashing and a heartthrob of several. No one can take eyes faraway from German Model and fashion icon Alexander Weber or Axlek as he could be known popularly on social media.

Axlek is one of the most charming young men you can ever come around and an extremely successful male model. But the fame and success haven?t been served to him on a platter, he's got earned it with hard work and determination.

Axlek has been single-handedly raised by his mother following the untimely death of his father. Their struggles to survive through difficult times have brought them closer. Although he started his career behind the camera, his passion to be in front of the camera made him opt to become a professional model.