The patented BioMatch system takes the guessing game out of matching a set of clubs by weight and weight distribution and explains it using scientific methodology

The patented BioMatch system takes the guessing game out of matching a set of clubs by weight and weight distribution and explains it using scientific methodology. The BioMatch system brings club fitting into the 21st century. It makes Golf an easier game to play.

BioMatch matches your golf clubs so that you can use the same swing for all your clubs. This is achieved by optimizing the overall weight of each club by inserting the appropriate size weight in the grip end of each club. Dispersion improves dramatically.

BioMatch is the first ever scientific solution to the problem of matching golf clubs. Matching of golf clubs is regarded as the Holy Grail of Golf since the beginning of golf. The system is available online and through a worldwide network of clubfitters. These clubfitters are helping golfers of all abilities worldwide to improve their game effortlessly. As you will groove the same consistent swing for all your club, dispersion improves dramatically.

BioMatch matches your golf clubs so that you can use the same swing for all your clubs. This is achieved by optimizing the overall weight of each club.
The weight of the club affects the position of your hands at impact. one swing golf club matching to a club will slow down the hands in the downswing slightly. As the club is then given more time to release the clubhead will be more closed at impact, making the ball move left. When the weight of each club is optimized dispersion will improve.
The longer clubs need to be lighter than the shorter clubs as the hands shall be further forward at impact. The online BioMatch algorithm makes a model of your body swinging each of your clubs and thereby determining the optimum weight for each of your clubs. The optimum weight is then achieved by adding the appropriate BioMatch weight to the grip end of the club. BioMatch gives a more consistent ball striking and better dispersion as you no longer need to steer the golf club.