Sex toys for men: the eight types you have to know (out of taboos)

With this feminism and the visibility of female pleasure we have forgotten about men. Recently, the market for sex toys has focused primarily on marketing and product development for sex toys. On 성인용품 , the range of products for men is a lot smaller, nonetheless it does exist.

Furthermore, the issue of male sex toys is still heavily stigmatized . According to a recently available survey of 7,000 participants from 14 countries by Arcwave, a third of these surveyed believe that it really is much more acceptable for women to use a sex toy .
Adult toys for men: the eight types you should know

As in Vozp�puli we have been very liberal, or at least in Bienestar , today we are going to tell you what you ought to know about adult toys for men .

We have selected some to provide you with an idea of ??the price that is on the market, but the important things is that you stick with the types which exist. Attentive and move on to work:
1) Egg shaped masturbator

One of the common male masturbators are the ones that are egg-shaped. The price is much cheaper than the rest of the male sex toy models (about eight euros).

"Not only is it elastic to stimulate the entire penis at the rate and shape that each one wants, it comes with an internal texture that provides a completely new sensation ", explain from Platanomel�n.Platanomel�n's 'Tenga Egg', (8 euros)
2) Vibrating penis ring

This is a ring that fits perfectly on the penis without squeezing it. Top of the section of the toy provides some pressure and stimulates the partner's clitoris. The main one we've selected is from LELO, the most effective sellers.

'Tor', from the LELO brand (about 100 euros)
3) Female orgasm simulator for men

Arcwave, a new make of male pleasure, has just launched Ion, which is the first sex toy for men that "uses pulsating air waves that stimulate the Pacini receptors at the tip of the penis (frenulum). These receptors will be the same ones on the clitoris , and are in charge of intense orgasms. " In the event that you try it, tell us, we have been curious.

Arcwave Ion (189 euros)
4) Prostate stimulator

Provides men with a total climax through simultaneous double stimulation of the perineum and the P-point . Perfect for beginners and advanced.

'Luke', Platanomel�n prostate stimulator (49 euros)
5) Masturbator tube without vibration

It looks like the within of an alien, we admit it. Inside you can find grooves that simulate the vaginal walls. This one from Fleshlight is very smooth and tasty, according to anyone who has tried it.

Fleshlight Flight Pilot masturbator tube (47 euros)
6) Masturbator tube that simulates anal sex

Like the previous one, there's another type of toy that simulates anal intercourse. This has a cold effect and inside is similar to an anus, in theory.

Masturbator 'anal sex' of the brand Shots (18 euros)
7) Real vagina simulator

Those who have tried this type of simulator assure that within it is similar to a human v